The State May Record This Call ... Page
SECTION TITLE: "That's what friends are for"
DATE: Sunday, May 20, 2001
PLACE: At my desk, writing this article
I just received a call from Marty this evening.
In this call, he specifically asked that I not do anything more
to bring publicity to his case. For the record, this article
is being written without the permission of Marty Frankel. He
is afraid of antagonizing his jailers and prosecutors. However,
I promised this article to this magazine long before Marty asked
me to stop bringing publicity to his case. Marty authorized me
to publicize his case on the Pacifica Radio network on April
28, 2001. He phrased his words carefully, saying, "You know
that Pacifica thing? I am not opposed to it." Marty wanted
to stress the horrible prison conditions in the American Prison-Industrial
Complex in a Pacifica radio show.
So why am I doing this? I am defying the
wishes of my friend, not out of disrespect, but out of a sense
of social responsibility to expose the methods of the "media
vultures" that tend to prey upon those who are too helpless
to fight back against propaganda campaigns of the Bourgeois press.
To explain myself and my actions to Marty, I said to him: "Marty,
sometimes in life, one is the Chess player, and other times in
life, one is the Chessman." He acknowledged that this was
true but he did not change his mind. He said he knew that my "heart
is in the right place" but he essentially asked me not to
move him, as the Chessman in this game. He is fearful for his
life and his fate in the prison system. I hope he will forgive
me, someday, for writing this article. I also should tell you
that in an earlier phone call Marty said that the government's
public statements about $200 million dollars being the subject
of this case, is an exaggeration.
Marty says that the government knows it
is an exaggeration. The figure of $200 million is wrong, he said.
Call #22, Saturday, May 12, 2001
PAVLITO: "Another thing, a week ago.
I mean, last Sunday, there was big thing in the Blade by Mike
Sallah, saying that, uh, they're thinking about going after everybody
who 'blackmailed' you. There's a whole big 'blackmail' thing.
And they're using your astrology day-planner, to, uh, locate
people who blackmailed you. And they're going to take that money.
And they're saying that there's two-hundred million dollars missing,
and that they've only recovered sixty-million."
MARTY: "Well there isn't two-hundred million. You know,
you know the story. There isn't two hundred million missing because
that's a fake. That's a figurative number. That's like an invented
figure. The public doesn't know that."
PAVLITO: "I know."
MARTY: "The government does know that, uh"
PAVLITO: "Yeah."
MARTY: "So, they always keep saying. They'll keep saying that till I die.
The day I die, they'll say that. But I think, I don't know, I don't know if
the government will ever know or ever believe me. But at some point I hope
the government, I hope, will say 'OK'"
PAVLITO: "Well, The Treasury agent told me the same thing. He said that
they are inflating that number, because someone is trying to profiteer off
of the money that they can recover. Like they profiteered . . ."
MARTY: "That's actually true."
Marty has found a new calling. He told me that he wants to be seen as a 'social
reformer', as person who will actively seek prison reform for the rest of his
life. That is now his cause, and knowing him as I do, I know that he is sincere
in his intentions although perhaps unschooled in his organizing methods.
Call #26, Sunday, May 20, 2001
MARTY: "The most important thing for
me, is prison reform. Honestly. I know that sounds weird because
I'm facing all this stuff. But from when I got in here, I mean,
I feel worse for the other people than I do for myself. And I
know that I'm facing all this heavy stuff and all. It's just,
you know, this is crazy! What they do in these places to people
is wrong. It's just wrong."
PAVLITO: "I agree with you Marty, but . . ."
MARTY: "How can a human being, deny somebody food? If you
did this, on the outside. If you took someone and threw them
in a little box, and then played with them and denied them food.
It's wrong; You would think that person was the sickest person
on earth. When you take away people's freedom you've done enough
to them. You don't have to take away all their hope, all their
schools, their right to read. It's crazy."
On April 29, we did a small radio show on WBGU (only 1000 W transmitter) which
generated more media attention than any of us thought possible. It was a small
media probe to see what would happen. We found out today, what would happen,
when a huge article was published in the Toledo Blade.
On this day, May 20, 2001, a large article
was published in the Toledo Blade, which cited selected quotations
from the WBGU radio show on April 29, 2001. I specifically object
to the Blade article for various reasons, because it gives the
distinct impression that Marty Frankel is trying to "hire" the
attorney Johnny Cochran to represent him. Be it known that Marty
is in no position to hire anyone for anything. The government
has seized everything he owned as a wealthy man, under the RICO
statutes. The only persons in contact with The Cochran Firm,
are my wife, and myself not Marty. I was only authorized by Marty
Frankel to contact some attorneys, not hire them. Furthermore,
I am in no financial position to hire Mr. Cochran for anything
myself. I simply cannot pay him to help Marty or anyone else.
It was my thought, erroneous as it may have been, that the government
might be compelled to release some of Marty's funds to allow
him to hire an attorney that would be more favorable to Marty's
best interests. Only Marty can decide if he wants to seek different
legal representation. I only offered to make new contacts.
It is significant to note that this May
20th Blade article mentions that, according to Kari Dooley from
the prosecutor's office, that the German authorities have yet
to send any proof of any alleged 'escape attempt' by Marty Frankel
from the UHA prison in Hamburg, Germany. Yet Marty is still assumed
to be guilty. Gary Dorsey, from the US Marshals, stated in this
article that Marty's prison accommodations were made on the basis
of the 'escape attempt' accusation by the German authorities,
and based upon Marty's notoriety. How does one prove that one
did not try to escape from a prison that one was not even in?
Marty claims that on February 27, 2001, the date of the alleged
escape attempt, that he was in the JVA prison in Hamburg, commonly
referred to as the "Sankt Afu" prison. Who is the alleged
accomplice that tried to help Marty escape? How was the accomplice
punished? Why does the March 1st, Blade article mention that
Marty used a piece of 'wire' to cut bars, but the May 20th Blade
article mentions a 'file'? Why was the March 1st Blade article,
about Marty's alleged 'escape attempt' pulled from the Blade
The smear campaign against Marty Frankel
has many internal inconsistencies in it. On the one hand, Marty
Frankel is supposed to be, according to the official press hype,
some kind of criminal mastermind, some genius that has broken
new ground in realm of white-collar crime. On the other hand,
he is also supposed to be a fool, a man who would try to saw
the bars of his cell with a piece of wire while smiling for a
video camera (in plain sight) to record his escape attempt in
Germany. Even my new friend in Germany, Gerhard, commented in
an e-mail that he could not believe that anyone could be so stupid
as to try cut bars in front of a video camera. Likewise, Marty
Frankel is supposed to be, according to the Bourgeois press,
a con man who never traded any stocks or commodities. Marty supposedly
just took people's money from them, yet never invested it. Yet
without any ability to forecast market moves and prove your talent,
how can you motivate wealthy people to give you large sums of
money to invest?
There are other inconsistencies to ponder.
For example, if the Grand Inquisitors have an airtight case against
Marty, why do they need to rely on media smear campaigns to prejudice
public opinion? Why do they rely on an unproven 'escape attempt'
to justify putting him into SuperMax and Maximum Security prison
conditions? It is interesting to note that the Toledo Blade has
many of their previous articles about Marty available on their
website (www.toledoblade.com),
but as of this day (May 20) the March 1, 2001 story about the
so-called 'escape attempt', cannot be viewed by internet users.
It has been pulled (but we offer you a copy of it here for your
inspection). Why do this? Why hide the words that accuse Marty
of trying to escape from the UHA prison in Germany? Why continue
to rely on this unproven escape attempt to justify Marty's prison
conditions? Why do they keep him in prison conditions that do
not fit the nature of his alleged crimes? The answer is that
they want to break Marty's will to resist a plea bargain deal?
Why do they need to deny Marty access to funds he needs to hire
an attorney? The answer is, they don't want a trial. Why is the
legal and public relations game rigged against Marty if the case
is so strong? The answer is, they want to generate a public lynch
mob mentality that will not ask why there was no trial for Marty
Frankel. The last and perhaps most glaring inconsistency relates
to the accusation that Marty Frankel is a suicide risk to himself.
Why would a man who is a suicide risk, fear for his life in a
Connecticut State prison? If one wants to die, then one should
be willing to embrace his murders. That would seem logical but
the entire nature of the inconsistencies we are expected to believe
in, is quite irrational.
One worker asked me why I was trying to
make a hero out of Marty Frankel. That is not my intent at all.
To me, Marty is neither hero, nor villain. He is simply a friend
who is now a victim. In some respects he is a victim of his own
choices in life, in another respect, he is a victim of massive
lynch mob hysteria. If I tell his story fairly, then I can also
point out that machinery of victimization and demon-ization that
is being used against him. This machinery combines the Bourgeois
media with the actions of government agencies to create a climate
of "guilt by accusation" in the press and "guilty
until proven innocent" in the prison detention centers (where
suspects are pressured into accepting deals). On the other hand,
I see Marty as a man with a light, in the form of media attention,
that can shine on some of the darkest levels of our society,
both high and low levels of our class society. Marty Frankel,
the man who once wanted to move among the higher strata of the
class structure, now wants to resist the injustices produced
by that class structure. For years, I too have tried to resist
the injustices produced by the class structure of our society.
So now I see Marty more as a kindred spirit who wants to act,
not just be an intellectual who wants to pontificate and polemicize.
Marty Frankel now wants to change/reform society, not just climb
its social ladders.
I cannot save Marty. Neither can I redeem
him in anyone's eyes. But I do wish that I could save him from
prejudice and injustice? I wish that because I feel that he could
redeem himself in everyone's eyes if given a chance to do that.
So, to me, Marty Frankel is a worthwhile person. Furthermore,
dear readers, he is my friend. In the Hindu traditional concepts
of wealth (The "Artha" of the "Kama, Artha, Dharma" phases
of life), a person who has many good friends, is considered to
be wealthy. Money alone does not make a man or woman wealthy.
I think that even Marty Frankel now knows that to be true. He
knows that real friends can neither be bought nor sold. I also
know that, if he could do so, Marty would help me if I found
myself in trouble . . . . . After all, that's what friends are
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