The State May Record This Call ... Page
The charge of 'racketeering' raised against Marty
Frankel has allowed the government to seize all property and funds that
Marty could have used to pay for a quality attorney to defend him.
Another famous fugitive financier named Marc Rich was also involved
with the RICO laws, but not on the receiving end.
Mr. Rich, through his agents involved in
the Ravenswood Aluminum Company (RAC) labor struggle of 1991-92,
used the RICO laws against the United Steel Workers, Local 5668
in Ravenswood, West Virginia. Mr. Marc Rich, the ultimate owner
of the RAC, locked out the union labor force and installed a
'scab' labor force. In the ensuing labor struggle, there were
battles at the picket line. The RICO complaint filed on behalf
of RAC listed some 726 incidents that supposedly violated the
RICO laws. These incidents involved throwing mud or grease balls
at 'scab' cars as they entered the RAC complex. In effect, Marc
Rich, through his agents at RAC, was able to use and pay for
any attorney of his choice to prosecute USWA Local 5668 without
any of his property being seized by the Treasury Department under
these same RICO laws now used against Marty Frankel. All this
took place while a $750,000 reward was placed for the capture
of Marc Rich. All this took place while formal charges stood
against Marc Rich for
(1) Tax Fraud
(2) Conspiracy
(3) Criminal violation of trade embargos against Iran, the Soviet Union and
South Africa, and last but not least . . .
(4) Racketeering!!
Thus, while the US government, with full
knowledge that Mr. Rich himself was ostensibly in violation of
RICO, allowed him, as the owner of RAC, to invoke RICO laws against
an American labor union. None of Mr. Rich's property was seized
and liquidated. None of the legal fee retainers sent to any of
Marc Rich's attorneys were seized.
Why was Marc Rich treated with kid gloves
(even though he was indicted under the RICO laws too) and why
was Marty Frankel crushed under the iron heel of RICO and corporate
media persecution?
There was no personal vendetta against Marc
Rich. There were no highly placed US government officials who
had an ax to grind against Mr. Rich as is now the case with Marty
Frankel. On the other hand there are indeed some highly placed
US government officials who have a personal vendetta against
Marty Frankel. That is the ultimate reason why Marc Rich was
pardoned by President Clinton (with no objections from the current
president. See the Toledo Blade, February 14, 2001 "Bush,
others cool to idea of probing Rich's pardon") and why Marty
Frankel is treated like a Bosnian War Criminal, falsely accused
of a bogus escape attempt, stripped of his clothes and eyeglasses
in the Northern Correctional Institute, vilified and demonized
in the press as the 'Darth Vader of the Financial World', and
denied all access to fair legal representation of his choice.
(For those who are interested in more information
about Marc Rich, let me recommend the book entitled Ravenswood
by Tom Juravich and Kate Bronfenbrenner, available through Cornell
University Press.)
The official line of the Bourgeois press
is that Marc Rich has suffered enough (living openly in his mansion
in Zug Switzerland), therefore he deserves to be pardoned. But
Marty Frankel, this Darth Vader, this criminal genius, deserves
to suffer, deserves to be denied money for an attorney and deserves
a virtual life sentence of 400 years in prison for the financial
crimes he is accused of. Here are Marty's own words on his public
image as a criminal genius compared to the type of person he
feels that he really is.
Call #12, Sunday, April 1, 2001
MARTY: "What strikes me as crazy, and
I was talking to my lawyer, and he, he wrote me this big long
letter and I read this and I thought, there's nothing I can do.
My own lawyer is like yelling at me and saying, you know, saying
. . . if I told the truth, in other words, if I say that I'm
just a stupid idiot. And you know me. You know how f+++ing easily
influenced I was and still probably am even after all this stuff.
If I say exactly the type of person I am and what really happened,
it's like, it's like that's as good as a negative. I'm supposed
to act like I'm some big shot criminal or something, and, but
it wasn't true."
PAVLITO: "I know that, Marty. People who know you, know
MARTY: "It's almost like, if the numbers were smaller, then
nobody, then if I said what really happened and all this stuff,
people would go, oh yeah that maybe makes sense. If people look
at this big thing, they think, like I'm some kind of criminal
genius or something."
(This next segment deals with Marty's concerns
about being framed for having some fictional pile of money hidden
PAVLITO: "You've been convicted in
the court of public opinion. It doesn't matter what . . ."
MARTY: "I've been convicted in the court of public opinion
a billion times."
Let's allow Marty Frankel to explain in his own words the nature
of the vendetta and the level of involvement (of highly placed
government officials) in his case. In this next segment, taken
from a phone conversation from Saturday, April 7, 2001, the author
refers to "The Village People" as a code
name. This codename refers to the government, corporate and banking interests
that have vested interests in development and outcome of the Frankel case.
In this next segment, the author urges Marty NOT to make or entertain any plea-bargaining
deals. I encouraged him to fight and not give up.
Call #13, Saturday, April 7, 2001
PAVLITO: "The last thing that 'The
Village People' want is to have a trial. OK? The Village people
don't want a trial because you can call witnesses."
MARTY: "You know who I can call as a witness? I shouldn't
even say it over this phone."
PAVLITO: "Go ahead, say it."
MARTY: " . . . the highest people in the American Government."
PAVLITO: "I know."
MARTY: "For real. I have a reason. (laughing) So if they really want to
start playing! Seriously!"
PAVLITO: "This is what I am saying, Marty."
MARTY: "Saying stuff like this will probably get me killed or something.
Believe me they could come in my cell any time they want, give me a drug and
f+++ing make me die of heart attack tomorrow. Seriously!"
PAVLITO: "I'll tell you one thing, Marty. If they do this . . ."
MARTY: "Police have beaten people up here and done all sorts of stuff.
But it wasn't a high, high profile case like mine. The only thing I got going
for me to protect me a little, is that I am so high profile."
When Marty Frankel referred to people at the highest levels of the American
Government, we can safely assume he was talking about the George W. Bush administration.
I know this because in 1989-90, before Marty
ever went to Greenwich Connecticut, Marty told me that he was
making some charitable contributions either on behalf of or at
the direction of George W. Bush, the son of then-President, George
H. W. Bush. Marty told me this because he wanted me to know that
he was well on his way to becoming a 'friend of the President',
the then-President, George H. W. Bush. I, of course, was not
impressed by this. Marty and I did not have similar views on
the Bush administration of 1988 to 1992. Like our differences
over the issues involving the Middle East, we had deep political
divergences of opinion over President George H. W. Bush. Marty
was involved in social climbing and evidently he saw some association
with then-President Bush as a way to move into the higher social
circles of the American class structure. I was more interested
in protesting that class structure and opposing the policies
of George H.W. Bush, protesting his bloody and criminal invasion
of Panama and the Blood For Oil War, which most people proudly
refer to as the Persian Gulf War of 1991. This deep difference
of opinion between Marty Frankel and myself, led to harsh words
and hard feelings between us during the so-called Gulf War. I
assume that this is the reason why Marty dropped me from his
life in 1991. Having someone like me (a leftist political and
labor activist), as a personal friend, was probably seen as a
liability, not an asset, for a social climber in the early 1990's.
But now, in the extreme conditions of his imprisonment and social
vilification, Marty now sees me as the only person, his only
personal friend, who refuses to run away from him under the pressure
of the smear campaign against him. Most people, including Marty's
family, are not used to dirty political tricks, death threats,
and smear campaigns spewed from the orifices of the corporate
media. Thus, I know of none of his other personal or childhood
friends who have come to his aid and defense as I have. For a
leftist political activist (or even an environmental activist
such as the Earth First activists who were wounded in a car bomb
in Oakland on May 24, 1990), experiencing death threats, suffering
public media smear campaigns and fighting RICO laws slapped against
labor unions or labor leaders is simply a normal day in the movement.
We are used to suffering legal and extra-legal repression from
'the best government that money can buy', the United States Government,
a wholly owned subsidiary of Corporate America.
Beyond the concept of the Frankel case being
related to highly placed officials in the US government, one
must understand that there are some very wealthy billionaires
involved in the Frankel case too. I know this from conversations
from the late 1980's with Marty Frankel and it is indeed a fact
that can be checked in the public records if you choose to inspect
the SEC depositions relating to the Frankel Fund case from the
early 1990's. In other words, some very wealthy people gave huge
amounts of money to Marty Frankel. Dozens of Bourgeois journalists
know this, but none have had the courage to print this in any
major newspaper in the United States. Instead, we get an absurd
public propaganda campaign telling the American people that Marty
Frankel received some significant portion of millions of dollars
raised for his hedge fund (Creative Partners), from a handful
of factory workers at the Jeep plant in Toledo Ohio.
I challenge anyone to find more than four
or five Jeep workers who ever gave any money to Marty Frankel.
Furthermore, there is no one that I know of, from these Jeep
workers, who ever gave more than ten to thirty thousand dollars
to Marty Frankel. (For the record, I never gave/took any money
to/from Marty Frankel. We occasionally bought each other's lunch
at a delicatessen, however. Marty did give me a desk lamp which
was worth about $100. That is the only thing of value Marty ever
gave to me.) Somehow contributions from Jeep workers, simply
do not add up to any significant portion the $3.7 million that
Michael D. Sallah reported as being raised from Jeep workers
(See the Toledo Blade, March 11, 2001 "Trail of Deceit Began
In Toledo"). Who are the Big Money contributors, Mr. Sallah?
There was no Big Money raised from Jeep workers. On the face
of it, receiving millions of dollars (or any significant portion
thereof) from a handful of factory workers and a few Owens Illinois
executives, is absurd but a simple inspection of public records
and SEC depositions (Frankel Fund case) proves it to be beyond
Mike Sallah called me on Tuesday, May 15,
2001, how he got my phone number I do not know. He claims he
got my name from the SEBA documents that Marini and Schade showed
me in November 2000. Furthermore, Sallah's call to me over these
SEBA documents came almost two years after Joe Kahn from the
New York Times, mentioned that my name was on these SEBA documents.
These SEBA documents were the leads that motivated Joe Kahn to
call me for an interview. It would seem that the Blade is a little
slow in their investigative journalism efforts. This May 15th
phone call from Mr. Sallah is "off the record" but
what Mike Sallah wrote in the Blade is not! Sallah's March 11th
Blade article is very misleading for a purpose. It spares some
of the wealthiest of families from public embarrassment. Knowing
these simple facts, explains much about why there is a vendetta,
(from the highest levels of the US government and from the highest
strata of American class society), against Marty Frankel (while
there is a pardon and a blissful forgiveness of Marc Rich, the
attempted union buster, the racketeer who never had the RICO
laws applied to his property in the USA.)
I submit that there are billionaires and
government officials, not to mention a motley crew of bankers
and sleepy, state insurance regulators that must be hidden and
protected from public scrutiny. The game is not only to prosecute/persecute
Marty Frankel as the 'Darth Vader of the Financial World', but
also to protect the privacy, hide the idiocy and recover the
property of these "Village People." It remains to be
seen if Marty Frankel will ever really get his "day in court" or
SECTION TITLE: "Go After Everybody!"
DATE: Sunday, April 29, 2001
PLACE: Studios of WBGU college radio, Bowling Green, Ohio
Soon after Marty Frankel was returned to
the United States from Germany, the news media reported that
Marty, through his lawyer Jerry Donovan, complained that his
prison conditions were inhumane. Almost immediately, a short
but less-that-sweet letter appeared in the Toledo Blade, Reader's
Forum. It was entitled: "Aw, Poor Marty!" The letter
asked, in effect, how are we, as ordinary hard-working people
supposed to care about a wealthy con-man who lived in lavish
luxury and is now suffering for his crimes (even though he has
had no trial to establish any guilt or innocence over any criminal
indictments)? How can we relate to a wealthy man who had it so
good while most of us have it so rough? That is the simplistic
media formulation that we, as casual consumers of the Frankel
story, are supposed to believe as the total picture. But the
facts, the blatant and cold facts speak of a different reality.
The media smear campaign is actually designed to protect (and
reimburse) the established wealthy classes while persecuting
some hard-working and honest people who had no relationship to
Marty Frankel's business affairs. People, innocent people, are
being swept up in the media and government witch-hunt for credible
scapegoats and for any free money that can be appropriated as
booty for the "Village People." My family, and I for
example, seem to be designated as acceptable collateral scapegoats
in the Frankel persecution campaign. What are we accused of?
As of this writing I know of no formal charges but there is more
to tell.
Before we go there, let's allow Marty to
explain in his own words how the US Government has carried out
their policy of 'Go after everybody!'. In this next transcript
from Call #13, Saturday, April 7, 2001, Marty describes how the
G-men crushed a simple, (although admittedly less-than-honest),
man who once worked for him. At the beginning of the transcript,
Marty and the author discuss, Mr. M. H. "Reese" Norris,
the author's attorney at the time of this writing. Todd Bennet,
who had no association with Marty Frankel's business affairs,
a man who did odd jobs, such as shoveling the snow at Marty's
house, now sits in prison, convicted of 'lying' to the Grand
Inquisitors of the New American Police State. What is the official
story about Todd Bennet? What does the government say that Todd
Bennet did? Poor Mr. Bennet 'lied' about the location of some
automobiles that ostensibly belonged to Marty Frankel. Several
Bourgeois journalists that I have talked to, claim that Bennet
sold the vehicles but as of yet, I know of no proof nor of any
printed articles (in any of their Bourgeois newspapers) about
this "sad sack", Todd Bennet. The Grand Inquisitors
of the New American Police State, who convicted poor Mr. Bennet,
apparently needed those vehicles liquidated immediately (so that
the funds could be quickly turned over to the 'Village People" ).
Why not let Marty explain it for us in his own words?
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