Clamor: Your DIY Guide to Everyday Revolution.

Clamor ceased publication in December 2006. This website contains information for your reference and archival purposes only.

This following transcript, from a taped phone call from Marty, was played on "Music from the Civil War Era" 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM on WBGU, college radio, 88.1 FM, on Sunday, April 29, 2001. The host was Rick Van Gill, who graciously dispensed with his usual all-music format to present an 'investigative report' type of radio show entitled "Marty Frankel Speaks." (Thank you Rick Van Gill)

Call #13, Saturday, April 7, 2001

MARTY: "This Norris guy, who is he?"
PAVLITO: "I got him, I started having problems here in town, ah, it's a long story which I will explain to you in a letter about . . ."
MARTY: "Where's he from?"
PAVLITO: "Either New Haven or Hartford, uh, Hartford I believe."
MARTY: "You're kidding me? And you got him? For some reason?"
PAVLITO: "Yeah, it's long story . . ."
MARTY: "Accidentally. You mean you just accidentally happened to . . ."
PAVLITO: "Well, I got a family lawyer. I didn't call him. I explained all these things to my Grandmother and she said (imitating his Grandmother's voice) 'You gotta get an attorney.'"
MARTY: "So you had a problem but you ended up . . ."
PAVLITO: "But my family lawyer referred me to another lawyer named Czarnecki and Czarnecki, uh, referred me to Norris and that's how it worked."
MARTY: "Wow, you got a lawyer out of Connecticut, just by accident."
PAVLITO: "It ain't by accident because they want me to come and testify . . "
MARTY: "What?"
MARTY: "Wait, wait, wait! Time out! Who's 'they'?"
PAVLITO: "Uh, Califano and his, uh, 'The Village People'"
MARTY: "'Village People?' (laughing) Why do you say 'The Village People?'"
PAVLITO: "Whoever, his people, (laughing) Califano's people . . . you know?"
MARTY: "The prosecutor? Has contacted you?"
PAVLITO: "I have a subpoena, uh yeah. And I was supposed to . . ."
MARTY: "They want you to testify? About what?"
PAVLITO: "I dunno, I just told them, I said, I can tell you about science-fiction movies (laughing) and stuff like that. (laughing) I said what the . . ?"
MARTY: "Are you serious? You've got a . . when are you supposed to testify before their Grand Jury?"
PAVLITO: "I was supposed to testify on January 3rd and then I got an attorney and they f+++ing ran away. Now, you know what they did to me now Marty? They say, OK, this guy Norris representing some guy named Guyer, I don't know who the f++k he is . . ."
MARTY: "OK, yeah! He can't represent you, they say."
PAVLITO: "And then, so no, they said: No you can't represent Guyer and Geshos. But Guyer's case is already settled and now, my, I got this guy Norris, uh, after Guyer's thing is all water under the bridge. And my attorney says 'Excuse me?' Guyer and Geshos don't know each other. They don't have any dealings with each other. What is this all about?'"
MARTY: "Pavlito, this is so horrible. Everything . . ."
PAVLITO: "No wait a minute . . "
MARTY: "But this is. I gotta tell you something."
MARTY: "You should try to, I mean, I, I can't even advise you on what to do, cause I'm not a lawyer and all that but I can tell you a story that happened, without advising you cause then it's illegal or something."
MARTY: "So, I'm not advising you on what to do, or not."
PAVLITO: "Yeah."
MARTY: "You should always tell the truth, blah, blah, blah, blah. Cause that's what you're supposed to say."
MARTY: "There's a guy that worked for me. This is a true story. His name is Todd Bennet. I swear to God, he didn't do a thing. He didn't know bubkis about nothing. He was a gofer. Dave Rosse hired him to be like his 'security assistant'. And Dave wanted me to fire him because . . . We caught the guy stealing from me, OK? He used to steal steaks. He even did it openly. He told my cook. He took my cook out for a ride and he went out and stole steaks. Later I heard from his best buddies, where, on the street where he grew up, he was a carpenter that worked for us. His best buddy even said that Todd was a thief and everybody knew it. But I still kept him on, because, whatever, I felt sorry for him. It's a long story. I figured, whatever, he had a family. You know what I mean?"
PAVLITO: "Yeah, I know."
MARTY: "He had a wife that was a mental case and he had all these big huge, overweight kids. Whatever, you know what I mean. He was basically one of those 'sad sack' stories, you know . . . but the point is, he was a decent guy. He didn't do anything. He may of, I don't know, he was a gofer, we'd send him places, to pick up stuff. That's it. That was his job, to like shovel the snow."
PAVLITO: "What did they do to him?"
MARTY: "They convicted him. And then I'm sitting, and I asked 'why?'. You know why they convicted him?"
MARTY: "He lied when he went before them."
PAVLITO: "Lied about what?"
MARTY: "I don't know but it couldn't have been anything material because there is nothing material that he knew about. Cause he didn't even, he was a nobody. He was a nothing. He was a cipher. He was like you. He was like the, I'm in here right now, you know there's a guy in here who used to deliver the papers. The guy here who used to deliver my newspapers had as much, of course they're probably gonna subpoena him too, I shouldn't be talking over the phone, cause you know they're taping our conversation."
PAVLITO: "Yeah, don't worry Marty."
MARTY: "The point is, the reason that they're getting down and have gotten down on you, is because, I think it's just like, go after everybody. It's like anybody that ever knew me."
PAVLITO: "Yeah, exactly, you got it."
MARTY: "You know, my, my. I think they're going to go get Mrs. Boyd out of her grave. She was a Black lady that cared for me when I was young, or something."
PAVLITO: "Yeah, that's what I mean."
MARTY: "You've gotta be extremely careful."
PAVLITO: "Oh, I'm being careful. But Marty, I'm . . ."
MARTY: "What they're doing is like, he didn't do anything, you understand?"
PAVLITO: "I understand."
MARTY: "And they still got him convicted because he was stupid and lied to them."
MCI VOICE "Your call will be terminated in two minutes."
PAVLITO: "Can you call me right back?"
MARTY: "I'll call you right back, yeah. (Marty speaks to someone at the prison briefly) Yeah, they'll let me call. But the thing is, can you . . The idiot! Why didn't he? All he had to do was just tell the truth about everything cause there's nothing to hide."
PAVLITO: "Well, I've told the truth about everything."
MARTY: "But what I'm saying is that you gotta be really careful with these people because. I mean it was wrong! OK? What they did was morally wrong to this guy. Whether he lied about some insignificant thing or what they thought was significant. He didn't, you know what I mean?"
PAVLITO: "I think that they are mad at me just because . . ."
MARTY: "I mean if he had just not even talked to them, they couldn't have charged him with nothing because he didn't do anything and he wouldn't have been convicted."
PAVLITO: "The thing of it is, Marty, you wouldn't believe the scam they ran on me, but I don't really have time to tell you about it, and I don't want to get you upset. They've broken into my house though Marty. Somebody broke into my house, took bank records, took my wife's bank records and legal documents that belonged to my father-in-law and all this sh++. I get up in the morning, the hood of my car is up."
MCI VOICE: "Your call will be terminated in one minute."
MARTY: "Yeah, they did it. I wouldn't put it past them."
PAVLITO: "Well you know . . . ."
MARTY: "Who else would do it?"
PAVLITO: "They ain't union guys doing that to me, I'll tell ya that!"
MARTY: "Well that's true, it could always be union people, or it could have been newspaper people . . ."
PAVLITO: "But IT'S NOT union guys."
MARTY: "You can't know that it's the police. But believe me the police do all sorts of illegal sh++, and then they don't use it officially, but they use it unofficially."
PAVLITO: "Yeah, I know."
MARTY: "It's just a game."
PAVLITO: "I know."
MARTY: "You gotta, that's why I'm in here (in Maximum Security, Protective Segregation), you know, I mean."
PAVLITO: "I think they're mad at me cause I still want to be your friend. You know, that's what I tell people. I said, if I had a buddy who robbed a liquor store nobody would say 'boo' about that."
MARTY: "They think there's some, 'something'. They think there's some connection, but they don't understand that you're just the one person from my past that was a good, honest, decent, person that said, 'I'm a friend of this guy.'"
PAVLITO: "Yeah, that's right!"
MCI VOICE: "You have exceeded your time limit. Your call is being disconnected."

Now there are two interesting things to note from this conversation with Marty. First the author mentions a 'scam' that was run on him and his wife (we will get to that soon). Second, the story of Todd Bennet was also mentioned. But this vital and significant piece of the great Frankel story has yet to be published in any Bourgeois newspaper. We can read newspaper articles in all the major Bourgeois papers about all the characters in the Frankel story. We can read about Sonia Howe being indicted, or John Hackney or David Rosse. It is safe to say that there must be dozens of lawyers, bankers, security consultants, businesspersons, a virtual litany of 'bad guys' and 'bad gals' who have faced the swift and powerful wrath of the Grand Inquisitors of the New American Police State. But why not even one Todd Bennet story? If Jeep workers are a key part of the Frankel case, why isn't Todd Bennet a news story?

Where is/are the article(s) about that 'sad sack' Todd Bennet? Show me the headline anywhere in the world that says something to the effect: "Marty Frankel's snow-shoveller indicted for lying about missing cars" It simply isn't in existence, in any major newspaper. Now it is true that I have not yet checked the morgue of The Baghdad Gazette, but I would be willing to bet that no such headline appeared in that newspaper either. Why not? The simple answer is that this story would reveal the tip of the iceberg about 'abuses of the law' and 'extra-legal' campaigns by the Grand Inquisitors to liquidate all items of property and swiftly deliver the liquidated value of that property to the shadowy "Village People". Does one Bourgeois journalist have the courage to follow that flow of money to "The Village People"? Who is getting the money, that liquidated value of all property (from the Big Auction, for example) that once belonged to Marty Frankel? Furthermore, does one Bourgeois journalist have the 'guts' to spotlight the irrelevant cruelty and vindictive ruthlessness of the Grand Inquisitors with respect to Todd Bennet?? No, there's no Bourgeois journalist who would do that, is there? That's why this story can only be told in this type of media outlet. Dear readers, this author knows how to call up the New York Times or the Toledo Blade and give interviews to Bourgeois journalists, but these papers are simply not printing the full truth about what is going on with the Marty Frankel story. They have no intention of ever doing so either.

Now it is time to describe the 'scam' that was perpetrated upon the author and his wife in November 2000. The 'scam' story was broadcast on WBGU radio, a 1000 W radio station in Bowling Green, Ohio just outside of Toledo, on the "Music from the Civil War Era" radio program.

Let us recall that the New York Times reporter, Joe Kahn called our home in June 1999 telling us that he was working with the FBI. How did he get my name? Well, so he said, my name appeared upon some documents for a banking conglomerate incorporated as the SEBA corporation. Little did I know it but on Thursday November 16, 2000 I was about to be sucked into a convoluted process by which those SEBA documents would be held in front of my face for me to see. This time, there would be no New York Times' reporters involved. The man who would hold the documents, and turn the pages for me, would be an FBI Agent, Agent Schade. On November 16, 2000, just as I was about to leave my home for work I received a phone call on my FAX telephone line, which is unusual since none of my family or friends uses that number except for FAX transmissions. A man on the telephone said that his name was Larry Marini and that he worked for the IRS. He was going to be in my city on either November 29th or November 30th and he simply had to talk to me about the Marty Frankel case. Whoa, nobody had called me up about the so-called Marty Frankel case since Joe Kahn and Dave Barbosa in June 1999. I thought I had completed by civic duty to the agencies of "The Village People" by testifying before the FBI Edition of the New York Times. I really did think I had done all that was expected of me, so I assumed I had comedian on the line.

"I don't mean you any disrespect, Sir" I told this Marini guy, "but I get a lot of 'crank' calls and frankly you are just a voice on the telephone." This 'voice on the telephone' assured me that he could prove who he was and that he would provide valid IRS identification. I told him that I was pressed for time and had to go to work. He seemed to be understanding and informed me that he would call me again soon and I advised him to use my regular phone line, not my FAX line. He took down my regular number and I rushed off to work, thinking nothing of it. However, when I got home from work, my wife told me that some female agent of the IRS had been calling our house while I was at work. The woman said that her name was Yolanda Nagy from the local IRS office. This Ms. Nagy wanted to make sure that I would talk to this Mr. Marini guy from the IRS. By now I was a bit suspicious. The next day I called a friend of mine who works as a Private Investigator. My friend, a former cop himself, informed me that the whole thing sounded unusual and that I should check these people out. Well, we soon discovered that there was no such person as Yolanda Nagy in the local IRS office. There was a person named Carrie Nagy and it seemed that this Yolanda woman simply appropriated Carrie's last name.

We called the IRS and each person we talked to seemed most cooperative and grateful that we had alerted them to the fact that someone out there may be impersonating federal agents. Soon, we were involved in a full-scale operation with the IRS CID (Criminal Investigation Division). On Tuesday, November 21, 2000, that voice on the telephone that called himself Larry Marini called again. He told me that it was imperative that he meet with me on November 30th and that he would be in town to talk to me. I was baffled.

What was this all about? According to Marini there were documents that they want to show me. I supposedly owned a bank in Tennessee, an Engineering firm and other corporations which I knew nothing about. He wanted to know if I had ever worked for Marty Frankel. No, I replied, but I had worked with Marty Frankel on a book project. Yes, it was true! I and Marty Frankel were collaborating on a book about his market theories. The book was to be called "Paradigm: Trading with News Theory" We never finished the book, however. The Gulf War erupted and our friendship was strained over our different views on the Middle East. Mr. Marini, upon hearing this replied: "You are a writer?" Yes, I am a writer, Mr. IRS Agent Marini and here is Exhibit A, the proof of the assertion, that I am a writer. This news that I was an alleged 'writer' seemed to cause great consternation and commotion with Mr. Marini. From my end of the telephone, I could hear Marini discussing something with some other person. "He's a writer", is all I could hear Marini say to his silent partner. Soon Marini came back to me on the phone. He wanted to meet with us, myself and my wife, at our home. That was out of the question, I told him. Then I should suggest a place. I suggested a local Kinko's copy shop for our initial rendezvous. From there we could walk to the university and talk in a study room at the university library. He was agreeable to that and also told me that I could bring an attorney of my choice to the interview. In my mind, the Kinko's copy shop was a great symbolic location because I was going to insist on copies of these documents that suggested I owned some banks and other corporations. I wanted some of these things to frame and hang on my wall.

It was Thanksgiving time. Yes, it was two days before Thanksgiving (November 23), as if my wife and I were not busy enough getting ready for 'Turkey Day', we now had to deal with November 30th "Marini Day" too. We called the IRS CID people again and they immediately informed us that Larry Marini had no connection with the IRS whatsoever. He was, in plain fact, an impostor. IRS CID asked us to cooperate with a 'sting' operation to nab this Marini impostor and his silent partner who would, no doubt, be coming with Marini. We agreed, reluctantly, but we did agree to help catch the impostors. As my wife and I made our rounds, buying food, securing the holiday turkey bird and so forth, I made calls from pay phones. I called every lawyer that I knew. As soon as I mentioned the name "Marty Frankel" there was a roaring silence with whatever lawyer I was talking to. It seemed that no one would agree to represent me. Only one attorney said that he would represent me if he could come with me on a different day. He simply was not able, due to his schedule, to meet anybody on November 30th. I was to be without an attorney, so I thought that I might as well get a bodyguard as the next best thing. At this point in time, I did not know what I was up against or 'who was who' or 'what was what' in this unreal audio cavalcade of voices (with no faces) on the telephone. One of the men I worked with promised to accompany us, my wife and I, as "protection".

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