Clamor: Your DIY Guide to Everyday Revolution.

Clamor ceased publication in December 2006. This website contains information for your reference and archival purposes only.

Issue 28


Lookin’ For Work: W’s Shaky Employee Evaluation
by various authors

Virtual Voting Worldwide
by Pranjal Tiwari

Oil-Slick Jim Moves In excerpt from The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
by Greg Palast

From the Desk of Karl Rove
by Erik Lundegaard

Thorns in the Paw: Independent Journalist in the Age of Bush
by Leticia Cortez, Dahr Jamail, Lorie Kramer, Vijay Prashad, Andrew Stelzer, and Silja J.A. Talvi

Lampooning the Buffoon
by Richard Ristow

Free Speech T.V. Party Tonight!
by Jared Jacang Maher

Deception Dollars
by Adam Hurter

We Used To Call That Imperialism
by Alex Modotti

The Privileged Few and the Budgeted Many
by Norman Ball

Someone’s Got to Pay the Bills
Sarah Zia-Ebrahimi

Billionaires for Bush
by Rebecca Fox

No, George, No! Anti-Bush Kids’s Books
by Eric Zassenhaus

Hip Hop is Breedin’ Revolution. Ya Heard?
by Aysha Massell

How Trafficking Became Sexy
by Yasmin Nair                 

More Sex Emails, Please!
by Benn Ray

From My Lai to Abu Ghraib
by Dave Arenas

Women in Power
by Janis E. Mabalay

Laura Flanders: Alone Amongst the Bushies
by Todd Steven Burroughs

 (Inadvertently) Voting for the Ones You Hate the Most  
by Jeff Nall

It’s None of Your Damn Business...
by Jessamyn West

The Evens
by Ari Paul

How Many More Have to Die?

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Clamor Magazine (a project of Become the Media) P.O. Box 20128, Toledo, OH, 43610, USA.
Website by amphibian | Header graphic by Monkey Bubble Media