Be Beautiful and Carry a Big
Stick: Physical Attractiveness & the
Massai Aesthetic
Robert Biswas-Diener
How Much Did You Pay For Your
Identity?: The Big Business of Selling Individuality to Kids
Scott Puckett
Strummer: Passion is a Fashion
Antonino D’Ambrosio

WERISE: Clamor Talks with Julie Shaw about the First WERISE
Fashion Show
Interview by Jason Kucsma
What's Your Relationship to Fashion?: A Photo Essay
Ailecia Ruscin and Chantel C. Guidry
The X Factor: A Pirate Attack Off Yemen
Zoltan Gyurko
Gangbanging: Analyzing the Phenomenon
RJ Castillo
Ruby Chaton: Stand-out DIY Design
Mollie Wells
American Made: Sweatshops in the USA
Casey Boland
Animal-Free Fashion: A Field Guide to Veganwear
Mickey Z.

Sex or Sweatshops: The Scarlet Harlot Talks about Globalization
and the Rights of Sex Workers
Interview by Mary Christmas

James King is Convenient: In 1996, The New York Times
Magazine sent and uncompromising message about the pitfalls of
the fashion world. Or did it?
Martin Schneider
After the Last Merger
Fiction by Jeffrey Yamaguchi
Sounds in the Background: Muzak, Backrgound Music, and
Unlikely Song Choices
Boone Stigall

Unmitigated Power: Energy Production, Idelogy, and Carolina
Power & Light
Jordan Green
The Panther Insurgency
Paul Glavin
In a Chinese Joint
Oscar Tuazon |