The Cop & the Crowd
Police strategies for keeping the rabble in line
Kristian Williams
Police fear crowds. Crowds are dangerous, especially for authorities.
Crowds are unpredictable. They allow for anonymity, or the feeling
of anonymity, and thus breed courage. And, with any crowd worthy
of the name, the police are certain to be outnumbered.
The need to control crowds is a permanent feature of political authority,
but it presents a special set of problems in alleged democracies.
The difficulty is especially acute when crowds gather for an explicitly
political purpose. Open repression may have unfavorable political
repercussions, and neutrality or acquiescence are not options for
anyone who wants to remain in power. The question remains, always,
how to control the crowd, not whether to do so.
This is not a matter that anyone who is politically active can afford
to ignore. There has recently been a perceptible shift in the level
of police response to large demonstrations, beginning with the WTO
protests in Seattle. In the year since then, riot gear has become
a fairly common sight. Police seem increasingly ready to use tear
gas and less-lethal munitions. And, in connection with any significantly
large event, pre-emptive arrests and no-protest zones have become
almost standard. It is with this in mind that we must proceed, considering
the various ways this problem has been addressed in the United States
over the past 40 years, with reference to the broader social forces
which have shaped the policing of protest during that time.
The History and Theory of Crowd Control since the 1960's
There are two modes of response available to police when confronting
crowds. They carry the names "escalated force" and "negotiated
management" (McPhail 50). "As its name indicates, the escalated
force style of protest policing was characterized by the use of force
as a standard way of dealing with demonstrations. Police confronted
demonstrators with a dramatic show of force and followed with a progressively
escalated use of force if demonstrators failed to abide by police
instructions to limit or stop their activities." (McPhail 53).
Such force could take different forms. Sometimes, arrests quickly
followed any violation of the law, or even occurred where no law
had been broken. These arrests were forceful and were often used
to target and remove "troublemakers." Other times, police
would use force in lieu of arrests, either to disperse the crowd
or to issue summary punishment against those who disobeyed their
orders (McPhail 53). First amendment rights were generally ignored
(McPhail 51). "Well-known demonstrations in which police used
the escalated force approach include those in the Birmingham civil
rights campaign (May 1963), the 1968 Chicago Democratic National
Convention, and the confrontation between student protesters and
National Guard soldiers at Kent State University (May 1970)" (McPhail
The differences between escalated force and negotiated management
are clear. Under the negotiated management model, "Police do
not try to prevent demonstrations, but attempt to limit the amount
of disruption they cause. . . . Police attempt to steer demonstrations
to times and places where disruption will be minimized. . . . Even
civil disobedience, by definition illegal, is not usually problematic
for police; they often cooperate with protesters when their civil
disobedience is intentionally symbolic" (McPhail 52). Under
negotiated management, arrests are used only as a last resort, and
only used against individuals who have clearly violated the law (McPhail
53). Force, likewise, is kept to a minimum. Rather than trying to
disperse the crowd, the police plan so as to contain it.
With this management model, police focus on preventing a disturbance,
rather than responding to one. They do this by negotiating with protest
organizers, by reaching agreements on elements such as the route
of the march, by regulating demonstrations through a system of permits,
and by encouraging organizers to provide their own marshals and exercise
discipline over the group as a whole.
Negotiated management was designed to correct for the excesses and
shortcomings of the escalated force model. Following the urban riots
of the 1960's, several commissions were set up to study the disturbances,
their causes, and the police response to them. Most prominent among
these were the Kerner, Eisenhower, and Scranton Commissions. All
three bodies found that police actions against crowds often exacerbated,
and in some cases provoked, the civil disorder. Consequently, they
advised a number of changes take place in police handling of demonstrations.
The Kerner Commission, for instance, recommended a strategy emphasizing
manpower over firepower, prevention over reaction, and increased
management and regimentation of the police.
What strikes the contemporary reader about these reports is the
apparent schizophrenia of them all. They decry social injustice with
criticisms of racial discrimination, prison conditions, and the plight
of the urban poor. They push for greater inclusivity at all levels
for society. But they also denounce the activities by which attention
was successfully brought to these problems and change affected. The
Eisenhower report explicitly denounces civil disobedience and the
Scranton report insists that those responsible for campus unrest
be disciplined. These reports push for rigorous adherence to Constitutional
guarantees of free speech and the like, while at the same time offering
precise instruction on the means of limiting, containing, and controlling
It is tempting to read such documents as well-intentioned but politically
naive defenses of the rule of law. But, rather more appropriately,
one might also understand them as handbooks for social managers and
others responsible for controlling dissent. Taken as such, their
advocacy of civil liberties and the principle of minimal force reflect
the sophistication of the liberal approach to repression. Negotiated
management was an innovation in the means of crowd control, but the
basic aim remains unchanged. Both negotiated management and escalated
force represent a defense of the status quo.
Seattle: A Turning Point
Given this background, it is easy to see why the Seattle police
were ill-prepared for what happened at the WTO protests in November
of 1999. According to the Seattle Police Department's After Action
Report police planners adopted a negotiated management strategy early
on and failed to consider contingencies which would make other options
necessary. Despite well-publicized plans to disrupt the WTO conference,
the police decided to "Trust that Seattle's strong historical
precedents of peaceful protest and our on-going negotiations with
protests groups would govern the actions of demonstrators" (Kimerer
In this, they were twice disappointed. Not only did radicals refuse
to play the game by its usual rules, even respectable protest groups
were unable to keep their members in line. Hence, when police changed
the route of the permitted AFL march, hoping to keep union members
away from the downtown disturbance, they were surprised when several
thousand of the marchers ignored the marshals, left the route, and
joined the fray (Kimerer 40).
The SPD offered this analysis of their mistake: "While we needed
to think about a new paradigm of disruptive protest, we relied on
our knowledge of past demonstrations, concluding that the 'worst
case' would not occur here" (Kimerer 3).
Such blindness is a typical fault of police agencies. Equally typical
is the panic that follows a defeat‹a panic felt not only in
Seattle, but around the country, resulting in the sudden shift in
police tactics at demonstrations nationwide. "Changes and learning
processes of the police are initiated by an analyses of problematic
public order interventions, that is, the police learn from their
failures. . . . The importance of the body of past experience, however,
seems such that it prevents the police from anticipating change.
Tactical and strategic errors in confrontations with new movements
and protest forms may trigger off a relapse into an antagonistic
protest policing style" (della Porta and Reiter 30).
The response from the authorities has sadly lacked imagination.
In general, the analyses of the police defeat in Seattle fall into
roughly two categories‹those that defend the negotiated management
model, and those that urge a return to escalated force. The Seattle
City Council's WTO Accountability Review Committee defends negotiated
management; the R.M. McCarthy and Associates report (commissioned
by Mayor Paul Schell) makes the case for escalated force. Neither
document is surprising given the history of this debate, but it is
worth considering their arguments as they represent the current positions
on each side.
The McCarthy and Associates report was written primarily by three
retired law enforcement officers from New York and Los Angeles. In
it, they discuss the planning, preparations, and execution of the
SPD's WTO operation, attributing its failure to the weaknesses of
the negotiated management model. They argue that "Had a restrictive
safety zone been established, protest areas designated outside of
the zone, and additional personnel from other agencies been planned
for and deployed in a pre-emptive manner on November 26, the results
would likely have been different" (132). They specifically recommend
the early deployment of National Guard troops on "training" status,
citing the 1968 Chicago Democratic National Convention as historical
evidence of the efficacy of such a move (38).
In sum, the McCarthy report suggests that the police state established
in response to the demonstrations should have been set up in advance.
In fact, it argues that the police response didn't go far enough. "The
review team believes the decision to allow any previously scheduled
marches or demonstrations to proceed after violence had erupted was
unwise" (59). Furthermore, they urge the removal of language
in police policy suggesting that crowds be moved or dispersed "peacefully," and
suggest adding explicit instructions that police make as many arrests
as possible (129-130).
Luckily, elected officials are likely to find such draconian policies
difficult to stomach. The City Council's review committee referred
to the McCarthy report as a "crude and unsatisfying" document
(WTO 13), and reached almost entirely opposing conclusions. Rather
than pressing for a more forceful response, the City Council's committee
concluded that the SPD's operations were often senseless, and better
left undone. "Members of the public, including demonstrators,
were victims of ill-conceived and sometimes pointless police actions
to 'clear the streets'" (WTO 3). Such an approach, they suggest,
is always brutal and often self-defeating. For example, "The
unintended consequence of police actions on Capitol Hill was to bring
sleepy residents out of their homes and mobilize them as 'resistors.'" (WTO
10). It may have been preferable to have let the crowds mill about
in the streets, and disperse on their own. In advancing this analysis,
the Accountability Review Committee echoes the Scranton Commission: "[T]o
respond to peaceful protest with repression and brutal tactics is
dangerously unwise. It makes extremists of moderates, deepens the
divisions in the nation and increases the chances that future protests
will be violent" (U.S. President's Commission 2).
While both sides acknowledge that better preparation was needed,
the question of what, precisely, the police should have prepared
for is hotly disputed. The City Council's committee, while recommending
that more officers and better security barriers be used to deter
lawbreaking, also condemned the abandonment of civil liberties and
the principle of minimal force once the disturbance was underway.
They urged, not for more force, but for increased accommodation as
a remedy: "It is clear to the committee that demonstrators who
sought arrest‹in order to underline their statements of principle‹should
have been accommodated by police. Tear gas is a cruel implement to
use against persons trying to make deeply felt statements against
what they view as injustice" (WTO 15).
Essentially, the City Council's committee thinks the problem was
not with the negotiated management strategy, but with its implementation.
This may, however, rely on a misconception about the aims of the
demonstrators. A great many of those who took part in the direct
action did not have any intention of getting arrested. They were
there not only to "underline their statements of principle" against
the WTO, but to disrupt its proceedings and shut the fucking thing
McCarthy and Associates imply that where negotiated management
failed on November 30, escalated force succeeded on December 1. If
this is true, then the lesson of Seattle ought to be that the negotiated
management model is one strategy of control, but that to exclusively
rely on it is to court disorder. Escalated force must always be prepared
for, as a backup. This is really a community policing model applied
to demonstrations: if the Good Cop does his job well enough, the
public need never see the Bad Cop. But the Bad Cop must still be
there, off stage, in case the Good Cop fails.
What the McCarthy team recommends, and what we've seen to various
degrees since Seattle, is to re-establish escalated force as the
primary strategy of control. They recommend that the police strategy
center on the use of force and that negotiation be used to gather
intelligence and clearly outline the boundaries for protest organizers.
The idea here is if the Bad Cop is bad enough, he may only need to
act in minor or symbolic ways to keep the crowd in line. Negotiation
with the Good Cop starts to look more attractive, as does playing
by the rules. This, in essence, is the strategy of political terrorism.
The threat of violence is made clear at every turn, and a politically
useful climate of fear is carefully developed to control the population.