One of the first magazine accounts from the frontline of the protests
against the World Trade Organization November in Seattle. Mike
Albers gives you a first-hand account of what it was like to be
in the midst of choas that eventually erupted in police attacks
on protestors and the indiscriminate use of force and chemical

Sleepless in Seattle: Reflections on the Protests that Stifled
the World Trade Origanization
Mike Albers
Further Thoughts on Seattle
Kevin Zelko
My Mom the Anarchist: A Different Take on Work
Rob Augman
"Give me Your Huddled Masses Yearning to Breath Free" ... So
We Can Jail 'Em: Political Prisoners in the United States
Faye Kolly
The Internet and Computer Privacy: An Interview with Richard
Babak Rastgoufard

Who Controls the Past Controls the Future: An Interview with
Historian Howard Zinn
Peter Werbe
The Sweet Scienc: A Photo Essay on Amateur Boxing
Matt Average
Resistance is as Natural as Breathing: A Converation with Billie
Basil Elias

One Step Ahead of the Wrecking Ball: A Photo Essay
Chris Boarts Larson
Fight Club: A Critical Review
Robyn Marasco
The Quickening: The Role of the Internet in Creating Global
Folklore out of Urban Legends
Mike Wendling
In Constant Pursuit of Blah: Who Needs Sleeping Pills
When You Have Mass Media Like This?
Nathan Berg

Oh Baby! Reflections on a First Pregnancy
Jessica Mills
I Don't Want to Dance
Graphics by Fred Thomas
The Art of Pornography
Jane Graham

DIY Coffee Scott from Milwaukee's Feul Cafe Discusses the Ethics
and Politics of Owning Your Own Business
Dan Gatewood
How I Learned to Stop Worrying, and Love Coffee
Travis Fristoe

Picking Locks at Saint Peter's Gate:The Hiking Adventures of
Alex Coughlin
The Daily Grind: The Stress of Getting from Home to Work and
Back Again
Chris Jensen
Three Days in a Van a Cross Section of Tour
Mike In Abandon

I'll Take You There: An Oral and Photographic History of the
Hines Farm Blues Club
excerpts from the book by Matthew A. Donahue
Anything Done, Can Be Undone:Confronting White Privilege
and Combating Racism
Amy Sonnie
Creativity and Happiness
Vique Martin
Claiming Space: Talking with Graffiti Writers in Columbus OH
Lee Pasado