We know that Clamor is on your radar. And why wouldn’t it
be, with so much accomplished in our short 6-year history:
• winning “Best New Title” in Utne’s
Independent Press Awards in 2000
• being nominated for “Best Cultural Coverage”
every year since 2000 in Utne’s Independent Press Awards.
• publishing the work of over 1,000 writers, artists, and
• reviewing thousands of independent CDs, books, magazines,
and videos
• reaching 10k+ readers with each issue (and growing every year)
• establishing Clamor as a trusted resource for tens of thousands
of forward thinking young readers
• securing solid nationwide newsstand distribution in independent and corporate stores
• joining forces with Brooklyn's Altar Magazine in a ten-point program for newsstand domination!
Join Clamor in revolutionizing the everyday life and enjoy the spoils
of putting your project in front of an elite, often difficult to
reach group of young readers who have tremendous power to throw
their support behind your work. Please note that Clamor
ad rates are intentionally modest to accommodate even the most strapped
(and in some cases non-existent) marketing budgets.
Please take a minute to look over our rates and upcoming deadlines,
and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you might
have. We look forward to working with you!
cover......$1000..(full page, full color)
covers..$900... (front or back, full page)
page.........$450....(7.625 x 10.375)
page..........$280....(5 x 10.375/vertical)
page..........$200....(7.625 x 5)
page..........$140....(5 x 5)
page..........$140....(2.375 x 10.375/vertical)
page..........$65......(2.375 x 5)
page........$35......(2.375 x 2.5)
Website Ad....$150/month ....100px wide x 100px tall
Full and half-page ads may be done in full color for an added $500
or $250, respectively.
All dimensions above include a .125" margin around them when
placed in the magazine. For ads with bleeds (full and half-page
only), please include a .375" dead-zone on all sides.
• Buy both a web ad and a print ad of any size, we'll take 25% off
of the price of the web ad.
• Reserve ad space in at least 4 issues of clamor, we'll give you a web
ad for free for one month of each issue your print ad runs (4 months total)
2006/2007 Deadlines
Winter 2006 #39 [Food]
Street date: 12.01.06
Art and payment due: 10.15.06
Spring 2007 #40 [Fear]
Street date: 03.01.07
Art and payment due: 01.15.07
Summer 2007 #41 [Secrets & Conspiracies]
Street date: 06.01.07
Art and payment due: 04.15.07
How To Get Your Ad To Us
Copy is preferred in electronic format for Mac: 300dpi TIFF, PDF,
EPS, Photoshop or InDesign files, either by upload or on disk. Please
confirm that all fonts are included, and if sending by email (less
than 3mb), files should be compressed into a Stuffit archive. You
can upload them to our server at here and
then notify us via email at info@clamormagazine.org
that an ad has been uploaded.
We can also scan camera-ready art if necessary, and we can design
an ad for you using your text and art for a reasonable fee. |